Ledford Insurance Agency

1910 N Big Spring St
Midland, TX 79705

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Texas Auto Insurance: Is Your Car Safe Enough for Road Trips and Traveling?

When you are going on a road trip, you’ll have a lot on your mind. One of those things is safety. It may be on your to-do list as you prepare for your next vacation or travel adventure. But all too often, some basic maintenance items get easily overlooked in a sea of road trip preparations.

At Ledford Agency LLC, we want all Midland, TX road trippers to be prepared and safe on the roads. Use these tips to make sure your car is safe before you head out.

Check Your Tires

A flat tire or a tire problem when you are on a road trip can ruin the entire itinerary. It’s a bad mood for a little while in the best case scenario. Just check your tires before you head out.

Get your tires checked and rotated if it has been a while. Make sure the tire pressure has been checked and the air pressure is good. It would help to purchase a tire pressure gauge from the hardware store so that you can check your tire pressure when you are on the road as well. Do the same thing with your spare tire as well, and have all the tools that you need for it on hand.

Check the Brakes

Brakes are a critical safety component of your vehicle. It won’t cost a lot to have your brakes and all fluids, lines, and hoses are inspected. You want to have your parking brake checked as well.

Get your fluids topped up if you need them, and have the linings and pads on your brakes looked at. It may just need a look for a mechanic to tell you it’s okay.


Have a look at how your wipers are working. If they leave marks when they are wiping, or don’t work well, get them replaced. A set of wipers won’t cost very much, and could make a significant difference in bad weather on the road. Be sure that your fluids are topped up here as well.

Drive Safely!

When you are preparing for a road trip in Midland, TX, these are the most important things to get done first. Have your insurance information handy at all times, and update or review your policy before you go. At Ledford Agency LLC, we are a phone call away when you want to check that off your to-do list prior to a road trip. Call us to update or review your plan today.