Ledford Agency LLC

1910 N Big Spring St
Midland, TX 79705

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What Can Comprehensive Auto Insurance Do For You?

Investing in comprehensive insurance can help you pay for repairs not covered by liability or collision insurance. This auto insurance can reimburse you if someone steals your car and pays for damages caused by unique circumstances. At Ledford Agency LLC in Midland, TX, our agents can help you understand the benefits of comprehensive auto insurance.

What Is Comprehensive Insurance?

Collision insurance covers damages if another driver hits your car. However, you need additional coverage for events like civil disturbances and car theft. Most comprehensive insurance covers these events and more.

For example, comprehensive insurance can reimburse you for damage due to fire, explosions, and floods, depending on how your policy is written. Falling objects, such as tree limbs and damage caused by rodents, are also covered under many comprehensive auto insurance policies.

Benefits of Comprehensive Insurance

The rental agency probably requires extensive insurance coverage if you lease your car. Additionally, if you finance your vehicle, you’ll probably need comprehensive insurance under the terms of the loan.

Even if you pay cash for your vehicle, it makes sense to cover it against unforeseen incidents such as a deer strike or damage due to rodents that get inside your car. Additionally, if wildfires, tornadoes, and hailstorms are common in your area, you’ll need comprehensive insurance to help pay for potential damage.

If you own a luxury vehicle, it makes sense to invest in additional coverage, even if you no longer have a car payment. Consider how much it would cost to replace your car versus the cost of comprehensive coverage. Use this comparison to determine if you would benefit you.

Review your policy with an experienced agent and get a free quote for comprehensive insurance. Contact the team at Ledford Agency LLC in Midland, TX, to schedule an appointment today.

Is Your Auto Insurance Ready for Summer Adventures?

If you’re planning on some summer road trip adventures, it’s important to make sure your auto insurance is up to date. Fortunately, working with us at the Ledford Agency LLC is a great way to make sure you have the right policy for your needs and goals. If you’re in the Midland, TX area, we can help you update your current policy or find a different one, so you’ll have confidence and peace of mind when you head out to have fun.

Many people focus on getting their vehicle ready before a road trip and making sure they’ve packed everything they need in their suitcases, but few of them think about the coverage they have on their car. Still, it’s very important to know that you’re protected if you have an accident or other type of claim, and the best way to do that is through a policy review with a trusted agent.

Our dedicated insurance professionals will be happy to help you by providing quotes from several insurers or working with you to address any current policy concerns. Not only will you feel more prepared to head out on the roadways, but you’ll also know that your policy has been updated or changed to reflect your current situation. Then, you won’t have to worry about it for a while, and you can have fun with friends and families or even traveling solo.

Contact us today at the Ledford Agency LLC if you’re in the Midland, TX, area and need to change or update your auto insurance policy. We’re here to help you be ready for adventure in the summer and throughout the year. Whether you’ve had your car for a long time or just got a new one, we have the necessary coverage options.

Review Some Auto Insurance Add-Ons

Supplementing your auto insurance with add-ons offers increased coverage beyond a standard policy. Explore common add-ons that may suit your needs and consult our agents serving Midland, TX after making your choice.

The Benefit of Add-Ons

Add-ons furnish an extra layer of protection that is usually not part of a standard automotive insurance policy. They may offer coverage for lost or damaged labor and materials and even property damage while driving.

Towing Coverage

A towing add-on protects your vehicle while towing another vehicle or machinery. If you are considering this coverage, investing in requisite towing equipment that keeps your vehicle safe and compliant with regulations is a prerequisite.

Coverage for Active Repairs

If your vehicle is under repair or restoration, you can obtain coverage that extends the protection your standard automotive policy provides. This coverage covers automotive parts required for the upgrades and the cost of replacing parts that are lost or stolen during the process.

Perform a Self-Assessment

Assess how you use your vehicle and where you’ll be driving. Also, reflect on whether your vehicle usage requires additional insurance coverage for specific purposes.

Reach Out to Ledford Agency LLC

Once you’ve reviewed and selected desirable insurance add-ons, set up an appointment with one of our representatives at Ledford Agency LLC. They will ensure your automotive insurance policy reflects these new changes.

How can I tell if I have enough liability coverage on my auto insurance?

If you drive in Texas, you will need to be able to prove financial responsibility in case you are in an accident. The state has certain minimum amounts of coverage you need to ask for when purchasing your policy. However, those minimum amounts may not be enough to truly protect you if you are involved in a serious accident. Ledford Agency LLC in Midland, TX can help you evaluate your coverage so you can decide how much is right for you.

What Happens When My Insurance Maxes Out?

If you are found to be at fault in an accident, your insurance will usually pay for the claim. Your insurance is only responsible for paying out the amounts that you have specified in your policy.

For instance, say you have $30,000 liability coverage for injuries to a person. Once the medical bills hit $30,000, you are personally responsible for paying the rest of the claim. If you cannot pay, the injured party may be able to take your assets, such as your bank account or your home.

So How Do I Decide How Much Insurance I Need?

You want enough auto insurance coverage to protect your assets. Figure out your net worth, which is equal to your assets minus your debts. The less you have, the less incentive there is to sue you.

If you cannot get enough insurance to protect your assets, you can add an umbrella policy with much higher limits.

Get the Auto Insurance Coverage You Need In Midland, TX

There are always risks to driving, and insurance is how you protect your assets. If you have any questions about auto insurance, or if you would like to discuss additional coverage, please feel free to call Ledford Agency LLC today.

When should I assess my auto insurance needs in Texas?

Those that are in the Midland, TX area will always need to have insurance for their vehicle. When you do have a car here, you will be required by the law to at least have liability insurance, and most lenders will require a full comprehensive plan. There are various situations when you should reconsider your insurance needs and assess different policy options. 

When Buying a New Car

A situation when you are going to need to consider your insurance needs is when you buy a car. When you do purchase a car, you need to have some level of insurance the second you drive it off the lot. Generally, it is better to start talking to an agent before you purchase a car so you can assess your options. Once you have finalized the details of your purchase, an insurance professional can help you get into a new policy.

When Moving to a New Area

Another time when you should consider your auto insurance needs is when you are moving to a new area. Particularly if you are moving to a new state, it is important to consider what different requirements you may have. Further, as different cities have different rates of accidents and theft, premiums can vary considerably when you move. When you do look to move, it would be a good idea to assess your auto insurance needs to see if you can get into a better plan. 

Consult With Us

It is always helpful for someone in the Midland, TX area to speak with someone they can trust when looking for a new plan. As you are looking for a policy here, you should call our team with the Ledford Agency LLC. Our professionals at Ledford Agency LLC can give you any help you need to build a new plan. 

Safe Driving Habits for Summer Road Trips

There’s nothing like a summer road trip to create lasting memories for your family. Whether you’re traveling in-state or visiting hotspots across the country, safety should be a number one priority. These safe driving tips from Ledford Agency LLC can help keep you accident-free during your summer travels in Midland, TX and surrounding areas.

Safe Driving Habits for Road Trip Travels

The secret to safe, enjoyable road trips is planning. Plan your routes, make reservations for camping or hotels in advance, and have your vehicle inspected before hitting the road to ensure it’s in good shape for your journey.

We also recommend that you:

  • Schedule your driving time to avoid road congestion as much as possible. Try to arrive in new places during daylight so you can easily find your accommodations for the night.
  • Take frequent breaks to stretch and rest to avoid driving exhausted Stay alert and avoid using your phone or other devices that can distract you on the highway.
  • Stick to the speed limit to avoid getting ticketed or causing an accident.
  • Keep an eye on your gas tank to ensure you have ample fuel to reach your destination, even if you have to endure long waits in traffic.
  • Check your tires daily for signs of wear and tear or low pressure. If your vehicle shows signs of potential problems, no matter how small, have it checked right away to avoid getting stranded on the side of the road later down the line.
  • Make sure everyone is wearing their seat belts while you’re traveling to help prevent serious injury in the event of an accident.

Update Auto Insurance Coverage

Before hitting the road, review and update your auto insurance coverage from Ledford Agency LLC in Midland, TX to ensure you have ample protection for your travels. We’re here to meet all your auto insurance needs.

Why basic auto insurance isn’t always the right choice

Basic auto insurance is the least amount of liability coverage that you are required to have in order to be covered in the state of Texas. Making sure that our customers are in compliance with the laws as well as having the amount of auto insurance they require is part of our responsibility as independent insurance agents. At Ledford Agency LLC in Midland, TX, we take our responsibility seriously. 

Auto Insurance: More Than The Basics

Basic liability insurance coverage in Texas is 30/60/25. That means $30,000 for injuries to the first person injured, with a total of $60,000 for all injuries. The $25,000 is for damage to property. These are pretty generous figures, but in a serious accident, they might be woefully inadequate. If you have a lot of assets to lose, you may want to reconsider whether basic coverage provides enough protection.

If you have an auto lease or loan on your vehicle, you will be required to carry additional coverage.  You will also have to have comprehensive and collision insurance to protect your vehicle. 

When you are thinking about the amount of coverage you actually need, it is important to assess the importance of your vehicle in your life. Would you be able to get to work without it? How often do you actually use it and do you have an alternative form of transportation? Would you be able to easily pay for the repair or the replacement of that vehicle? If you answered no to these questions, then making sure you have full coverage on your vehicle probably makes good sense. It will pay to replace or repair your car or truck. 

Reach Out To Us

When you are ready to talk about your auto insurance coverage, the team at Ledford Agency LLC in Midland, TX is here to provide the guidance you need. 

Why should I insure my Texas vehicle?

Being a vehicle owner in the Midland, TX area is always a good idea. When you are a car owner here, it will provide you with a convenient and safe way to get around the community and surrounding areas. If you want to buy a car or other vehicle, having the right insurance needs to be a top priority.

There are various reasons that you should properly insure your car here:

Protect the Vehicle

One of the reasons you should have an auto plan in place is so you can properly protect your vehicle. A car or other vehicle is one of the largest assets most people will ever own. If you have the right insurance, it can ensure you have support if your car is stolen or damaged in an accident. This could include providing you with full replacement of the car if you have suffered a significant loss.

Comply with Obligations

It would also be a good idea to have insurance to comply with any obligations that you have. If you are going to buy a car, you will likely take out an auto loan. If this is the case for you, having comprehensive insurance will be a requirement in your loan agreement. Further, the state of Texas requires all drivers to have liability insurance. 

Contact Us Today

Owning a car is a necessity if you are in the Midland, TX area. When you are going to find a new vehicle, you should also call the professionals with Ledford Agency LLC to discuss your insurance needs. With so many choices to make when looking for coverage, calling Ledford Agency LLC can prove to be quite helpful. This team will provide you with a customized insurance plan that can ensure you and your car are properly covered. 

What to Do After an Auto Accident

Car accidents, whether minor or serious, are a frequent occurrence. That’s why we get auto insurance to reduce the financial burdens that follow. But do you know the steps you are supposed to take after an auto accident? Ledford Agency LLC, serving the residents of Midland, TX, and surrounding areas, takes you through the steps to follow after a car accident.

What to Do After an Auto Accident

Check for Injuries

Safety should come first. Check if you are injured, and if you have passengers, check on them too. If you are severely hurt, try not to move and call 911. Emergency services will come and administer first aid, then take you to the hospital if need be.

Move to a Safe Location

If you can, move to the sidewalk or the side of the road. Remaining in the middle of the road puts you at risk because other cars will be coming, and a driver could hit you.

Call the Cops

Whether it is a major collision or a simple fender-bender, call the cops. In Texas, you are legally required to inform the police, especially if the accident resulted in severe injuries, property damage, or death. If, for whatever reason, cops can’t get you, go to the police station and report the accident. When filing a claim, you will need that police report. As you wait for the police, you can exchange information with the other driver, such as insurance cards and license information.

Contact Your Insurer

Inform your insurance company of the accident. They will let you know how to start the claim process and what it entails.

Get Auto Insurance Coverage Today

A car accident can leave a driver confused and worried. Here at Ledford Agency LLC in Midland, TX, we understand how auto insurance works and are ready to help. Give us a call and let us handle all your auto insurance needs smoothly and professionally.

What is the benefit of getting an auto insurance plan in Texas?

In the Midland, TX area, owning a car is quite common and practically a necessity for many people. If you are going to buy a car in this area, you also need to choose an insurance plan for it. There are a lot of benefits that come when you do pick an auto policy to cover yourself and your vehicle. 

Auto Insurance Benefits: What You Need To Know

Protect Your Car

A key reason to have an auto insurance plan when in this part of Texas is so you can protect your car. Your vehicle is likely to be one of your most valuable assets. Because of this, you will want to ensure that you have proper support in place to protect it. If you invest in an auto insurance plan, it will give you the support needed to repair or replace the vehicle if you incur a loss due to theft or damage.

Liability Risk Protection

Drivers in Texas need to be aware of the liability risk that they take on whenever they get behind the wheel. Even a careful driver will have to cover damage if they cause any type of accident. As damage can be significant, having insurance is quite helpful. This coverage will ensure you have support to pay for whatever damage is caused. Having this insurance is also a legal obligation. 

Contact Us Today

Anyone living in the Midland, TX area will want to ensure that they are getting the right insurance support. As you are looking to protect yourself and your car here, calling Ledford Agency LLC is a good decision. The professionals with Ledford Agency LLC know the value of this coverage and can ensure you choose a plan that will provide adequate support.