Ledford Insurance Agency

1910 N Big Spring St
Midland, TX 79705

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How can I tell if I have enough liability coverage on my auto insurance?

If you drive in Texas, you will need to be able to prove financial responsibility in case you are in an accident. The state has certain minimum amounts of coverage you need to ask for when purchasing your policy. However, those minimum amounts may not be enough to truly protect you if you are involved in a serious accident. Ledford Agency LLC in Midland, TX can help you evaluate your coverage so you can decide how much is right for you.

What Happens When My Insurance Maxes Out?

If you are found to be at fault in an accident, your insurance will usually pay for the claim. Your insurance is only responsible for paying out the amounts that you have specified in your policy.

For instance, say you have $30,000 liability coverage for injuries to a person. Once the medical bills hit $30,000, you are personally responsible for paying the rest of the claim. If you cannot pay, the injured party may be able to take your assets, such as your bank account or your home.

So How Do I Decide How Much Insurance I Need?

You want enough auto insurance coverage to protect your assets. Figure out your net worth, which is equal to your assets minus your debts. The less you have, the less incentive there is to sue you.

If you cannot get enough insurance to protect your assets, you can add an umbrella policy with much higher limits.

Get the Auto Insurance Coverage You Need In Midland, TX

There are always risks to driving, and insurance is how you protect your assets. If you have any questions about auto insurance, or if you would like to discuss additional coverage, please feel free to call Ledford Agency LLC today.