Ledford Insurance Agency

1910 N Big Spring St
Midland, TX 79705

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What to Do After an Auto Accident

Car accidents, whether minor or serious, are a frequent occurrence. That’s why we get auto insurance to reduce the financial burdens that follow. But do you know the steps you are supposed to take after an auto accident? Ledford Agency LLC, serving the residents of Midland, TX, and surrounding areas, takes you through the steps to follow after a car accident.

What to Do After an Auto Accident

Check for Injuries

Safety should come first. Check if you are injured, and if you have passengers, check on them too. If you are severely hurt, try not to move and call 911. Emergency services will come and administer first aid, then take you to the hospital if need be.

Move to a Safe Location

If you can, move to the sidewalk or the side of the road. Remaining in the middle of the road puts you at risk because other cars will be coming, and a driver could hit you.

Call the Cops

Whether it is a major collision or a simple fender-bender, call the cops. In Texas, you are legally required to inform the police, especially if the accident resulted in severe injuries, property damage, or death. If, for whatever reason, cops can’t get you, go to the police station and report the accident. When filing a claim, you will need that police report. As you wait for the police, you can exchange information with the other driver, such as insurance cards and license information.

Contact Your Insurer

Inform your insurance company of the accident. They will let you know how to start the claim process and what it entails.

Get Auto Insurance Coverage Today

A car accident can leave a driver confused and worried. Here at Ledford Agency LLC in Midland, TX, we understand how auto insurance works and are ready to help. Give us a call and let us handle all your auto insurance needs smoothly and professionally.