Ledford Insurance Agency

1910 N Big Spring St
Midland, TX 79705

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How Much Home Insurance Do I Need?

What’s one of the most frustrating things about insurance? You guessed it right — filing for a claim only to discover that you are uninsured or underinsured. This is not only frustrating but also messes with your finances. So, if you want to invest in home insurance, you want to ensure that you are covered optimally. As such, Ledford Agency LLC of Midland, TX is here to guide you on the amount of home insurance sufficient for you.

To help you understand the amount of home insurance you need, we need to break it into various insurance coverages. This way, you can understand how much of each category you need.

How much dwelling insurance do I need?

Purchase home insurance adequate to rebuild your home when damaged beyond repair. Instead of using the cost you used to buy or build your home, use the “replacement cost value” since it considers changes in building materials, significant renovations, and other factors.

How much liability coverage do you need?

The liability portion of your home insurance covers you against liability claims, including lawsuits. And since these third-party costs can be expensive, you need sufficient insurance to minimize exposure.

While most home liability coverages offer liability coverage of $100,000, we advise you to invest in liability coverage of between $300,000 and $500,000. Opt for umbrella insurance or excess liability coverage if you have assets and savings worth more than this coverage.

Determining property insurance sufficient for you

Before anything else, please conduct a home inventory for your assets. This way, you will ensure that every item in your possession is covered. Once you establish the value of what you own, invest in insurance that can replace your assets without incurring out-of-pocket expenses (except a deductible).

Learn more about home insurance in Midland, TX

Need to expand your home insurance knowledge? Please get in touch with Ledford Agency LLC for more information. We will help determine home insurance suitable for your current needs.